Days of Noah – The Animated Series is coming Fall 2023! In collaboration with KIC Media, the artwork and coloring is by Green Pond Creative.
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Days of Noah is an animated series that covers the 700 years of the 950-year lifespan of the Biblical character of Noah. The story begins 400 years before the worldwide flood and ends at the tower of Babel, after the flood. The story will reveal the righteous family of Noah and how they’re brave enough to stand against the overwhelming power of the Assembly. The Assembly is comprised of rebellious angels, Nephilim, giants, chimeras, and lawless members of mankind. The Assembly possesses near total control of the earth and is actively corrupting mankind through their advanced knowledge, deceptions, and experimentation. There’s war, vimanas, special weapons, magic, battles of flesh and faith, destruction of civilizations, and the rise of new empires.
Here is behind-the-scenes content!